Boost Traveler Confidence with Next Level Disinfection!

Fast. Safe. Effective. Xenex is a world leader in UV disinfection innovation. 

The LightStrike Robot is proven to deactivate SARS-CoV-2*, the pathogen that causes COVID-19 in along with a variety of other harmful germs*. 

The San Antonio International Airport (SAT) was the first airport in the world to deploy LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robots powered by Xenex. They quickly evolved from low-tech to high-tech in an effort to be as disinfected as possible and reassure travelers that the airport was doing everything possible to reduce the Read more 

Contact Us

Enhance Disinfection, Improve Peace of Mind

Xenex is ready to help you set a new standard for environmental disinfection! Our consultative service and support approach ensures that LightStrike easily integrates into your cleaning/disinfection process. 

LightStrike's unique, patented Pulsed Xenon UV light system produces UV across the entire germicidal spectrum (200-315 nm), destroying pathogens at the wavelengths where they are most susceptible. 

Destroy Deadly Germs

Unlike other disinfection products,

Check out the difference for yourself!

A World Leader in UV Disinfection

LightStrike Germ-Zapping Robots


Easy to implement into manual cleaning processes and requires minimal training


Does not harm materials

Pulsed Xenon Light

Zaps intense Xenon light that covers the full germicidal spectrum for fast, germ destroying disinfection

Data Reporting

Track usage and analyze progress in workflows with your team to increase efficiency

Top Brands in the World Trust Xenex


“We are proud to be a leader in the aviation industry when it comes to health and safety, and to be the first airport to employ the LightStrike.” 

-Jesus Saenz, Jr., Director of Airports for the City of San Antonio